Million Dollar Life

there’s always a question that people ask – what would you do with a million dollars, and how would you live your life differently?

to some, the idea of the million dollar life may imply luxury – getaway vacations, nice cars, beachfront mansions, etc.  to others, this implies the ultimate luxury of freedom.  the million dollar life is a mindset, and it’s a way of freeing your mind from the traditional “milestones” of american life – to do what you want to do, when you want to do.

i’ve worked hard in every facet of my life – graduated in the top of my high school class while researching a genetic bone disorder, completed a dual degree in engineering and economics in 4 years, landed jobs in fortune-500 companies, and obtained my master’s while working full-time.  despite these so-called accomplishments, i’ve felt dissatisfied and disappointed every step of the way.  i was an impostor who bragged about jobs and degrees that i didn’t care about.  while my life’s been one full of privilege, i struggled to appreciate everything that i have.  somewhere along my journey, i lost my purpose, and it left a huge void in my heart.

i needed inspiration.  during my first year of full-time work, my roommate, who was still then in undergrad, asked me why i stuck with a job that i hated.  three years later, i am finally grasping the boldness in her statement.  while i knew that my life was destined for something bigger, i had no roadmap.  instead, i ended up chasing an american dream that i never intended of dreaming.  i stopped looking for the answers.  i stopped blaming my circumstances.  i stopped, and i reassessed all of the principles that have driven my life decisions thus far.

the change-makers will tell you that in order to succeed, you must be ok with failing.  i’d like to argue that in my situation, my small successes have provoked my desire for failure.  i wanted to be uncomfortable, and i needed a huge change in my life.  thanks to the amazing individuals, who are living the changes that they want to see, who have inspired me to take a leap into the unknown.

it’s been almost four months since i left my cushy 9-5 to join a journey that i had never imagined.  i am currently living my million dollar life.  it’s not to say that this has been easy – in fact, it’s been extremely unsettling and uncomfortable.  however, by keeping a vision of the end in my mind, i’ve been able to make my toughest decisions to date.  for the first time in my life, the paths have disappeared and are replaced by destinations.  the milestones, if any, are now self-imposed, reevaluated, and readjusted.  i embrace the zig-zags and i’m constantly inspired by the deep human connections along the way.

here are some ideas that have helped me in my transition:

  • do>think
  • the only change that matters is the change that lasts/you create with others.
  • be the change that you wish to see.
  • there is no right or wrong.  it just is.
  • understand the difference between head/heart/gut.
  • be gentle with yourself.

this is a promise to myself that i will live my life with love, and without boundaries.  this is my million dollar life.